Identification is important, especially in this digital age. Getting information on a business card has become as simple as scanning a QR code. And this is exactly what Corporate Press has decided to do. But every QR outfit, when being scanned, can only display an address and a telephone. Corporate Press can do more! Introducing the Smart QR Biz Card, we are a printing company dedicated to changing the aspect of identification! Not only are we reliable and experienced in integrating I.T. to printing, we also have a complete solution for QR code content management. Besides carrying data like company name, telephone, and address, the smart QR Biz Card also incorporates a tailor-made profile page for each user and a company message to ground your business in your client's hearts. The future is already here; go for the best... leave an impression with a Smart QR Biz Card. Contact our Customer Service Manager for more information!